Thursday, July 29, 2010

Benefits Of A K-12 Christian Education

A Positive Learning Environment
With today’s world captured by a fear of global warming, the term “greenhouse effect” conveys few optimistic thoughts. However, this same phrase creates a positive mental image for students enrolled in a K-12 Christian education. For instance, think about the purpose of a greenhouse. In many parts of the world with long winters, the greenhouse provides a safe beginning for plants unable to handle the fierce cold and winds. Protected within the confines of the greenhouse’s warmth and security, a plant is able to grow and establish strong roots. However, it’s only when the plant is strong enough to handle the elements of the outside world that the greenhouse owner will transfer the plant outdoors.

Similarly, Christian schools provide protection for students who are spiritually immature and vulnerable to the world’s negative influences. Bible-based curriculum nourishes a child’s faith and prayer life. Plus, Christian teachers provide examples of how students should live their lives for Christ. As students graduate from their K-12 Christian education, they come away equipped with the necessary tools to live a Christ-like life.

In addition, greenhouses also provide a positive environment by enabling certain plants to grow out of season. For example, fresh, red tomatoes are able to be produced in greenhouses during the middle of winter. Likewise, the goal of K-12 Christian education is to teach students to witness and provide nourishing light in a spiritually cold and dark world. “Let your light so shine before men, that they man see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven” (Matthew 5:16).

Edifying Relationships
How many times have teachers heard students ask, “When am I ever going to use this in my life?” In a K-12 Christian education, students are taught the perspective that the whole world belongs to God. Therefore, what they are learning will always matter in their lives. Still, some students may find it difficult to understand how knowing the area of a triangle makes any difference or brings praise to God. In those situations, the advantages of a smaller teacher/student ratio become apparent. As a caring, Christian teacher provides individualized instruction and discovers his students’ personalities and interests, he is able to create stronger teacher/student relationships that lead to higher academic achievement and a deeper understanding of God’s plan for their lives.

Because students also learn from each other, Christian classrooms teach children how to respect one another in godly, loving relationships that model the final instructions Paul gave to the church in Thessalonica: “Know them which labour among you, and are over you in the Lord, and admonish you; And to esteem them very highly in love for their work’s sake. And be at peace among yourselves…Warn them that are unruly, comfort the feebleminded, support the weak, be patient toward all men. See that none render evil for evil unto an man; but ever follow that which is good, both among yourselves, and to all men” (I Thessalonians 5:12-15).

Christ-centered Worldview
One of the most important requirements of a Christian school is that curriculum must be taught from a biblical worldview. A Christian worldview is not limited to discussion just in Bible class. Whether the subject is math, science, English, history, or music, students who receive a K-12 Christian education learn that everything in this world is God’s. Because He has given us dominion over the earth as stewards, we must learn as much as we can about His awesome creation. From the vast expanses of space to the complexities of language and the smallest microorganisms, God has placed His fingerprints everywhere. Therefore, it is a great benefit to families when Christian schools continue God’s imperative to “train up a child in the way he should go” (Proverbs 22:6a).

Academic Excellence
A quality Christian educational experience from elementary school to high school unlocks the potential in every child. Similar to Dr. Howard Gardner’s “multiple intelligences,” Christian educators believe that every child has unique talents and abilities to praise God. Whether students are gifted with words, numbers, pictures, music, communication, or athletics, each contributes as an active member to the body of believers. Because of this viewpoint, students see their value in God’s eyes and experience success in Christian schools. As a result, ACT scores and other standardized tests often reveal that private schools far exceed scores from public schools.

However, the real success of a Christian school is not viewed only from the standpoint of test scores. Rather, according to teachers who have obeyed Christ’s call to teach His children, the true measure of success is when graduating students live their lives as Christ’s disciples.

With a positive learning environment, edifying relationships, a Christ-centered worldview, and academic excellence, it’s easy to see why a K-12 Christian education is beneficial. What a comfort to know that when students graduate from a Christian school, not only are they holding an academic diploma in their hands, but they’re also equipped with a spiritual education that will help guide and direct the rest of their lives.

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