Thursday, July 29, 2010

Self-education For The Purpose Of Making A Career

After graduation from a college inexperienced specialists may have difficulties with practical application for their theoretical knowledge. Adopting experience of their older colleagues graduates improve their practical skills day after day. At last they become experienced and skillful, and it is important not to stop one’s professional development at this stage. People need to realize that there are no limits to perfection and devote their time to life-long self-education.

Being in the know of the latest researches, college graduates may be more knowledgeable in some issues than their older colleagues. Lacking practical skills young specialists may have perfect theoretical knowledge. Experienced workers, on the contrary, may have gaps in the sphere of the latest researches. Life-long education is required for preventing these shameful situations. The proverb advises people to live and learn. Experienced specialists assured in their proficiency are to consider this universal truth and to continue their education even if they have worked in the sphere for several decades.

The most effective strategies for self-education

Still, realization of importance of continuing improving one’s practical skills and acquiring new theoretical knowledge is insufficient. Rereading course books or one’s notes of professors’ lectures are useful, still, not effective for being in the know of the latest achievements. Another problem is choice of reliable sources, as at the present moment numerous web sites and even printed periodical might provide not verified data.

The most effective methods for enhancing one’s proficiency are

• subscribing for specialized periodicals;

• participating in professional conferences;

• conducting researches and experiments during one’s professional activity.

It is preferable to subscribe for periodicals containing peer reviewed researches and verified data. Make sure that the periodical is considered reliable. Preparing for professional conferences, research the question and prepare a report. Active participation is much more effective than empirical observation.

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